Blockchain Ads on your hugo blog, powered by Ambire

Make a buck, without google adsense

Prerequisites Have a running gitlab page (with hugo) have an understanding of opensource, blockchain and adds Introduction Let’s be fair. I like blogging and sharingknowledge. Such is the way opensource philosophy. But alot of time and effort goes into it. So I might aswell earn a little bit on the side for my troubles. Yesterday I was looking in my bitvavo app for crypto. And noticed that adex network had gained 90% in value in one day. [Read More]

Creating a Template for New Posts

Because a DevOps guy needs to automate stuff

Prerequisites have a blog with hugo Introduction So I spent a good couple of hours fighting with hugo and regex, because I didn’t like the fact that I had to manually enter the date each time in new posts. Furthermore I discovered that by only stating the date: year-month-day in the header. It can occur when uploading multiple posts on the same day, chronologically the listing becomes incorrect. So to save ( hopefully at least millions of people ;) ) some time. [Read More]

How to setup your own gitlab page

Deployed with CI/CD and Hugo

Prerequisites: Have a gitlab account Have a good reasonable understanding of git (cloning, commiting and merging) Introduction I used to have a wordpress blog, in which i placed all posts manually. As i work alot from git, i went to look for a more automated solution. Gitlab page (forking a project) This gitlab page will be forked from hugo. View the sample projects by navigating to the GitLab Pages examples group. [Read More]